Palo Escrito back& sides

Palo Escrito back& sides
2014 April Palo Escrito flamenca

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tom's oud part 4

The top photo is how the braces engage the sides of the oud in the inside. I fitted them to the sides carefully then glued them to the top and then the whole assembly was glued to the oud bowl.

There's Tom playing his oud in my shop after the restoration was finished. Tom was a student of the late great oudi and singer Hamza el Din. He's a really good oud player. Soon we'll get up a video of him playing the oud. Or some sound samples.

I would like to thank Richard Hankey AKA Dr. Oud, not only for writing the best book about oud construction known to man, but for his personal counsel in all matters oud. You can reach Dr. oud at : He has a great website oud lovers should check it out.

I have two more oud restorations slated to get underway soon. I'm going to document them as well.

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