Palo Escrito back& sides

Palo Escrito back& sides
2014 April Palo Escrito flamenca

Thursday, March 24, 2011

New Projects- Concert Uke

Yup, I'm starting a Concert Uke, got the neck and the wood picked out. It's going to be Birds Eye Maple back and sides and Spruce top.

This should be easy right?
Check back for updates. Ukes are FUN!!@WHOO HOO!!@@

now I feel manic.....


  1. I recently learned how to play Hot Cross Buns on the guitar. Also, lofasz.

  2. That's nice Tsada, I bet you excel at that tune by virtue of your hot buns.

  3. Looking forward to the uke. Please post an audio clip. I have a tenor for nothing-but-the-fun days.

